The penis extender or penis sleeve is the perfect way to show you care!
Why not let your partner have the time of their life with a little male enhancement? A penis extender does exactly what it says on the box: it makes your penis longer, stronger and girthier, not to mention giving it the exact dimensions that will get her screaming for more!
Jealous of her Latin ex-lover and his 9” schlong? Then why not make like Iron Man and armor up? With a penis extender you can reach new heights and experience what it’s like to have an amazingly large penis.
This is also a great choice for guys that struggle with erectile dysfunction. It sucks, sure, but every guy experiences it at some point and just because you’ve been benched, that doesn’t mean she can’t still be having a great time.
Worried that you’re not going to enjoy it? Many of our penis sleeves are thin enough that you’ll still get some sensation and that means you can still enjoy passionate sex just like before. The only difference is that now you’re going to feel like an absolute stud and you can bet she’s going to find ways to say ‘thank you’ later on!
And with just a little imagination, there’s no reason that things can get more creative still. Want something a little more rigid while still letting your own head poke through? There are options out there. Want to go ribbed? Vibrating?
Want to penetrate two holes at once?
We’ve got a wide range of different penis extenders to fit every shaped penis and every idea you can imagine. It’s time to embrace the future and see how the Bionic man does it!